Promoting Your Business To College Students

If you have a business that has just opened up near a large university, you will most likely want college students to come to your establishment since they make up many of the people frequenting your physical location. Marketing to college students will become necessary to get your business recognized. There are several steps you can take in advertising to these students in an attempt to gain sales as a result.

Set Up A Kiosk

Many colleges allow advertising during certain events throughout the year. Call the university in your area to find out the rules in place regarding outside advertising and find out if you can place a kiosk on the college grounds during larger events. This can hold brochures and promotional information which students can take as they walk past.

Accept Applications

If the college has a job fair during the year, make sure to apply to set up a booth. You can have students apply for employment within your establishment while advertising your business to others passing by your display. The word will get out that your business is one that works will with college students, making them more apt to check out your business to make a purchase.

Use Online Services

Advertise your product or service in college groups via social media. When you place flyers at a college during a job fair or kiosk, make sure the social media address is listed so students can take a look at it in their spare time. Have an email or text message sign-up process available so you can send messages about promotional sales.

Make A Deal

Set up a deal with the university where you will get airtime on their college radio station or through the college newsletter in exchange for student internships. The college will benefit with having a program in place for students to get on-the-job training through your company while you gain the free advertising space. 

Hire Some Help

Consider hiring a marketing agency to work in your behalf. Higher education marketing consultants know the ins and outs to successful marketing in universities and will be able to help you make an individualized plan to gain business from students. They usually have a few workers available who actually attend the university themselves, making it easier to get your advertisements seen since these people know which locations work best. They will help you design advertisements, handle promotional aspects and come up with a way to draw students to your business.
